Membership fee

The amount of the membership fee was approved

  • for regular members  – 20 € per year (students/ seniors – 10 €);
  • for collective member – 25 € per year;
  • honorary members do not pay the membership fee.

Membership fees are paid by bank transfer to the account of the Ethnographic Society of Slovakia: IBAN SK13 7500 0000 0040 0790 6049, ČSOB.

In the message for the recipient, state the year for which you are paying the membership fee and the name of the NSS member (for example, in the form: clenske 2023_Hudakova).

If we cannot identify the payments (from whom they came and for what purpose), we record them as a voluntary contribution, not as a membership contribution. If you plan to pay the membership fee by deposit at the post office, please let us know.