Current issue

Etnologické rozpravy / Ethnological Debates 2/2023

“The latest issue of Ethnological Debates covers the topic of intangible cultural heritage and folklore. The studies presented in this issue mainly focus on how traditional folk culture is cared for and accessed by different institutions. For instance, Jana Ambrózová’s article discusses how traditional musical culture is taught in primary and lower secondary education in Slovakia. Similarly, Katarína Babčáková’s article provides a detailed analysis of the institutional care for the development of scenic folklore by cultural and educational institutions. Moreover, there are several contributions in other sections of this issue that focus on specific events, such as the new programme of the Lúčnica Art Ensemble, or personalities of folklore like Věra Kovářů.”

We hope that this issue will be an inspiring and stimulating read for our readers!

Reference: Hlôšková, H. 2023. Editoriál: Folklorizmus – súčasné kontexty. In Etnologické rozpravy / Ethnological Debates, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 4-7. ISSN 2729-9759