Current issue

Etnologické rozpravy / Ethnological Debates 1/2024

The theme of the first issue of Ethnological Debates in 2024 is devoted to the phenomenon of water in various aspects that are part of human culture. The introductory study by Juraj Janto deals with water as a topic of research in Slovak ethnology and foreign socio-cultural anthropology. The following study by Ľuboš Kačírek draws attention to some aspects of the work and life of Danube boatmen in the 1970s and 1980s. In the first of essays Helena Galková presents memories of the accident at the Banská Štiavnica reservoirs in February 1977, when the dam threatened to break and flood the town. In the next contribution, Adam Janto brings us closer, from the perspective of a natural scientist – ecologist, the importance of water in terms of the functioning of ecosystems. Finally, in the third essay, Daniela Hrončová draws our attention to climate change; she presents the opinions of experts, mitigation strategies using the example of Bratislava’s city districts and education through ecological holidays. In the Personalia section, Katarína Popelková presents jubilarians, ethnologists Dušan Ratica and Juraj Zajonc.

We wish you a pleasant reading!

Juraj Janto, editor