Etnologické rozpravy / Ethnological Debates 2/2024

The long-standing focus of ethnology and anthropology on ritual practices and their associated beliefs has led to significant theoretical developments and numerous empirical studies that have permanently influenced the trajectory of both disciplines. Ritual typologies are often divided according to life-cycle and calendar phases. Rituals can both unite and separate; they communicate internally as well as externally to those who have not crossed their boundaries. Rituals establish rules of interaction or norms of interpretation, sometimes through symbolic subversion or exclusivity. Equally noteworthy are rituals related to everyday life, reciprocal behaviors, economics, politics, and relationships with the environment. The latest issue of Ethnological Debates deals with the issue of rituals and ritualization and is dedicated to Kornélia Jakubíková on the occasion of her jubilee.
We wish you a pleasant reading!
Helena Tužinská, guest editor