Ethnological Debates
ISSN 2729-9759 (online)
Periodicity: | twice a year |
Deadlines for submitting manuscripts: | 15th February, 15th June |
E-mail: | |
Address of the Editorial Office: | Department of Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava. Gondova 2, 811 02 Bratislava, Slovakia |
Publisher: | Ethnographic Society of Slovakia |
Publisher’s address: | 19 Klemensova Street, 813 64 Bratislava, Slovak Republic |
E-mail: | |

Etnologické rozpravy / Ethnological Debates is a bi-annual peer-reviewed journal published by the Ethnographic Society of Slovakia. The articles are accepted in Slovak, Czech and English language. It followed in continuity from the bi-annual periodical Národopisné informácie (Ethnological Information) (1967–1993). Until 2008 the journal was published jointly by the Ethnographic Society of Slovakia, the Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, and the Slovak National Museum. From 2008 on the journal is published by the Ethnographic Society of Slovakia and distributed to its members. Originally the journal was devoted to communication on research and activity within the ethnographic and ethnological community in Slovakia. From 2004 on it has presented results of ethnographic research in monothematic issues. Since 2018 the Ethnological Debates focuses on narratives as essential part of ethnological and anthropological research. In 2024, the journal was successfully registered in the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS) database.
The publisher of Ethnological Debates is the Ethnographic Society of Slovakia. The journal was published in print until 2021. Since issue 2/2021 Ethnological Debates have become an electronic online journal applying the principle of open access.
Narrative as a story which might be spoken or written, performed or textual, is a universal human practice which at the same time reflects cultural specifics. Our aim is to offer a platform for ethnographers and other social scientists who study diverse narrative forms, including oral and written texts, images, drama, ritual, and so forth. We invite empirical, theoretical, and methodological contributions that document and discuss narratives resonating in social life. Particular emphasis is placed on the social functions of narrative as well as on narrative traditions in Slovakia and other countries.
Articles appearing in Ethnological Debates draw upon qualitative methodology. The journal brings together empirical studies, theoretical and methodological articles, as well as discussions on current research problems. We also give space to overviews, essays, book reviews and interviews with distinguished scholars. The editorial strategy is to advance discussions between ethnologists, anthropologists and other social scientists on the nature of narrative and its role in cultural transmission and social interaction.